
Andreas Vardas is a master of the concrete form. His buildings are at once simple, welcoming, softly sophisticated and alluring, Generally both exteriors and interiors are quite minimalist but also decidedly elegant and sculptural. There's always an element of quiet good taste with a superb colour sense running as a theme throughout all his work These are very endearing, balanced, slightly understated homes designed with a lot of panache and natural flair.

Vardas studied architecture at University College London's Bartlett School of Architecture, graduated in 1993. After working for a while in London he founded his practice in Paphos in 1997.

Vardas is responsible for quite a few of Paphos' most important current or recent projects including the new addition to the Paphos district courthouse, the city's western pedestrian promenade and the superb new offices for the A Ioannou company.

His approach to each client is hugely personalised and each house he designs is very much geared around the needs and aspirations of the resident. Vardas' houses have an immense presence. He manages to do something very unique and memorable with each and, as such, his work is always in high demand in Paphos and beyond.